Systemic resilience is complex and critical in dealing with high risk crises or disasters. However, there is little research on modelling resilience and integrating it with other approaches in order to systematize its operation. This project aims to contribute to this gap by proposing a hybrid enriched model of resilience. We argue that resilience-based modelling can and may enhance public policy decisions and improve Romania capacity to deal with major risks. Further, we argue that the integration of revised tools and metrics originating from risk, reliability, and operations research and management disciplines can have the potential for a significant improvement in public policies. The aim of such modelling is to provide a learning environment on how to absorb failure and provides an opportunity to achieve quick recovery. By mixing resilience modelling, which can offer the answer to ‘when’ to do things, with the bowtie modelling, which deals with causal analysis and provide information on the ‘how’ questions, this project provides a comprehensive approach to systemic and societal risks. Moreover, by combining both resilience modelling and bowtie modelling, a balance is achieved in terms of dealing with crises at both strategic and operational levels respectively.