

Risk assessment within cascading hazards on economy and society

Objective: Identification, assessment and validation of cascading (multiple) risks for Romania


  • workshop at the end of the first year for collecting the preliminary results and state more formal collaborations with stakeholders
  • 3 participations to international conferences

Deliverables: Report on identification, assessment and validation of cascading (multiple) risks for Romania


Econometric and mathematical modelling of the resilience processes related to multi-hazards environment and their effects within the Romanian socio-economic context

Objective: We aim at proposing empirical explorations of SR contexts, also in the light of the statement of strategic policies for managing SR


  • The proposers will organize a workshop at the end of the second year for collecting the theoretical and empirical results and inform the stakeholders
  • submission of at least 2 papers to high-level academic journals
  • 3 participations to international conferences

Deliverables: Report on econometric and mathematical modelling of the resilience processes related to multi-hazards environment and their effects within the Romanian socio-economic context


Mapping pathways for the best resilience scheme on cascading hazards within the economy and society

Objective: Map the pathways for the best resilience scheme on cascading hazards within the Romanian economy and society


  • 3 papers in Annals of Operations Research, Expert Systems with Applications and European Journal of Operational Research
  • final conference, with the conclusive remarks and the discussion of the scientific achievements of the project

Deliverables: Document with the policy implications of the obtained results